
28 April 2019

The World's Climate Change Challenge 

The World’s Climate Change Challenge
The articles by David Leonhardt (“The Economist’s Dilemma”) and Brooke Jarvis (“Planetary Damages”) in the April 14 2019 Climate Issue of the NYT Magazine combine to outline the direction that a solution to the world’s climate change challenge must take.

Leonhardt shows how the economic concept of externality has succeeded in burying the true cost of our use of fossil fuels, thereby creating the impending disaster of a too warm climate on earth.  This sinkhole of the progressive carbonization of the earth’s atmosphere has allowed energy use to grow because one of its largest costs has not been paid for either by oil or power companies or by retail energy consumers. 

Jarvis makes the connection to tort law   She shows how the case of climate change is similar to the derelictions that sparked the Watergate controversy and the tobacco companies’ health hazard settlement.  It was the cover-up of the DNC break-in and of the addictive properties of nicotine that got Nixon and the tobacco companies into trouble.  Sher Edling, a firm representing plaintiffs in a ”nuisance  climate lawsuit” in California, developed the argument that carboniferous “emissions magnify the harm, but the tort is in the deception,”

Of course, in the climate change case, both the energy companies and consumers are at fault.  The market is the best tool for sorting out payment responsibility equitably  through pricing.  However, the climate effects of energy abuse apparently  must be addressed soon in order to preserve our comfortable living style while we, or oven our children are still alive.

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