
14 March 2018

One-way Collusion Not Possible 

One-way Collusion Not Possible

The Trump Administration has been masterful in characterizing the Mueller investigation as a search for collusion between it and Russia to influence its 2016 Election campaign against its opponent, Hillary Clinton.  It has known that it could show that the Mueller investigation has been a failure at that, for Trump’s campaign managers realize that if they benefited from Russian interference, they were unwitting beneficiaries.  They had nothing to do with it.  They did not collude with the Russians; therefore, there was no collusion.  Of course, it takes two to collude.

Mueller’s real objective will turn out to be to demonstrate that Russia did illegally interfere in the U.S. election process, and to show how it did so.  There may be individual facilitators who can be prosecuted for criminal conspiracy, and there surely will be lessons to be learned in order to prevent such distortion of our democratic system in the future.  The main harm the Mueller investigation will do to the Trump Administration will be to weaken the legitimacy of its claim on the U.S. presidency.  That is something that a swell-head like Donald Trump will never be able to swallow. 

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