
29 September 2005

WTC Freedom Center

It was fortunate that New York Gov. Pataki cancelled plans on Sept. 28, 2005, for building the International Freedom Center at the World Trade Center site. The reasons for his decision were mistaken, although they reflect the legitimate concerns of families of the slain victims of the terrorists. The Freedom Center would have detracted from memorializing their deaths not by promoting a political message, but by carrying a partisan political message.

The Bush Administration was masterful in laying guilt for the tragedy of September 11 on opponents to “Freedom.” It garnered easy identification with the ideals of the voting public, valuable for election victories in the next few years. Its strategy diverted attention from the real cause of that and other terrorist attacks – Islamic radicalism. The Bush team preferred to have suppressors of freedom as its enemy. Singling out radical Islamists comes too close to other religious extremists, including Christian fundamentalists who make up Bush’s largest constituency.

A more fitting and relevant theme for a museum at the WTC site would be rationalism rather than freedom. Violence and destruction have been brought on us by religious zealotry throughout history. This is the true political lesson to be learned at the WTC site. Not surprisingly, no politician will ever have the courage to champion that message.

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