
31 October 2006

China’s Lessons for America

In his article in the October 15, 2006 New York Times Magazine, Pankaj Mishra shows how the New Left in China has sharpened the definition of freedom in the context of economic growth in a socialist system. Democracy is not essential to equity. Even Jefferson listed the rights of man to include life, liberty and happiness. Mishra points out that he did not include property rights. I also hasten to add that he did not include control.

In fact, American democracy is merely an elected oligarchy. Most people don’t want to be bothered with governing, as long as they are able to make a living in a way that satisfies their aspirations. You only have to observe their level of participation in our elections.

For many, that standard means a 9-5 job. For others, it means fabulous wealth. It’s up to benevolent oligarchs to keep the system running and to prevent any residents from exploiting the others. That is why the most important component of the American republic is the due process guarantee in the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment. As far as China is concerned, democracy can be dispensed with as long as its rich and poor alike are guaranteed an equitable system if not by laws, then by benevolent dictators.

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