
12 January 2007

The Iron Cage

In his review in the 7 January 2007 New York Times of Rashid Khalidi's book, The Iron Cage, Clyde Haberman notes three powers that have kept Palestinians in their place: UK, Israel, and US. They have not done it alone.

Who Haberman fails to mention are the oil-rich Arab states who have not shared their oil wealth with their resource-poor, but intellectually strong and entrepreneurial brothers. Many of these countries have, indeed, devoted much of their treasure to fighting Israel through terrorism and by supporting civil unrest in the Levant. They have invited Palestinian talent into their business communities as hired professional help. But this invitation was always begrudge. Gulf Arabs have resented Palestinians’ ability to apply their expertise in the fast-growing economies of their own less materialistic societies.

The Palestinians have been cordoned off from their own land because of the Crusades and the creation of the modern Zionist state. But, they have suffered equally by the siphoning of their talents into oil-rich states without repayment through investment in the development of their own indigenous economy.

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