
08 June 2007

U.S. Embassy Baghdad

The news that First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting may be abusing its laborers at the project to build the new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad brings into relief the real meaning of the gigantic American presence that it will cement in the heart of Iraq’s government center. The embassy complex — 21 buildings on 104 acres – is the largest U.S. foreign “diplomatic” installation in the world.

What it represents is the effective transformation of Iraq into a U.S. protectorate, under the control of a major security force and viceroy-like oversight organization. The projected 5,500 employees of the Embassy, insulated from the unrest surrounding them, will be able to enforce the interests of the U.S. administration. Of course, this is frightening only if the election in 2008 results in a continuance of the Iraq Invasion. Otherwise, the U.S. Vatican in Baghdad will become an expensive millstone that will, no doubt, be difficult to dump.

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