03 March 2008
Channeling McCain
Frank Rich should have channeled Senator McCain away from his typically militarist approach to the world’s problems (Sunday Opinion, March 2, 2008). For example, Mr. Rich could have pointed out the following:
1) The only way the surge could be counted as successful is as a prelude to withdrawal. What it really shows is that lasting peace in Iraq will require a U.S. presence for fifty to one hundred years.
2) What’s more important to the U.S.—widespread respect for human rights or American homeland security? If the latter, then the U.S. was better off with a brutal dictator in Iraq like Saddam, in spite of his inhumane practices.
3) The Iraqis didn’t invite the U.S. to invade. In fact, there was no Iraqi consensus whose invitation we could have accepted, and there likely will not be one in the foreseeable future. A U.S. stand-down in expectation that the Iraqis will stand up is like pulling the beach pail off a pile of sand.
What can you expect from a veteran like McCain who has never shed his military outlook? In his view, if it looks like a war, then it must be won regardless of the consequences.