
11 March 2009

MoveOn.org's Responsibility to Remind Leaders of History

History has made it clear that military conquest never works in Afghanistan. John Nichols (The Nation, Maarch 3, 2009) is right to point out to MoveOn.org that it should realize that its role as a liberal consciense includes reminding progressives like the Obama Administration that forceful intervention in foreign societies is only justified when our security is immediately at stake.

It is sad that one of the few prominent figures in U.S. government, who appears to understand that achieving long-term order in Afghanistan may involve our supporting moderate religious fundamentalists in their struggle to control the Taliban, is General Petraeus. Unfortunately, because he is in the military he defines solutions to problems like Afghanistan in terms of troop levels. Let's hope that the leadership role of Richard Holbrooke in regional policy will result in the use of diplomatic, economic and inculcative tactics to prevent the creation of sanctuaries for threats to international order like Al Qaeda in the future.

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