
22 April 2011

Redefine Our Well-Being

The selection of Letters to the Editor under the heading, “President Obama Has Missed a Chance to Be a Uniter,” in the April 22, 2011, Wall Street Journal shows the paper’s need to redefine its concept of the country’s well-being. In particular, the first two writers appear to measure the satisfaction of life’s goals in terms of an individual’s monetary wealth. The third writer seems to miss the point that one of the instances of waste and abuse in federal government expenditures is the funding devoted to congressional oversight when it comes to preventing contracting by the very donors who finance the election campaigns that allow congressmen to keep their jobs.

Americans of every income level would be much better off if it were acknowledged that we expect our government to provide certain common services to all members of society. Moreover, it is necessary for those services to be paid for out of our own income, rather than by continual borrowing from overseas. And finally, it is reasonable for that expense to be shared according to each taxpayer’s ability to pay. Even though the dollar is needed to promote the general welfare, having money doesn’t mean that is the way it will be spent.

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