
14 July 2011

McConnell’s Plan

Senator Mitch McConnell has shown a cleverness that belies his usual behavior as a stubborn politician only interested in preserving his own job. His proposal turns Congressional rules on their head by allowing the President to use his veto power to circumvent the Republican strategy for reducing federal budget deficits by leveraging its control over enacting a national debt increase.

Of course, that federal budget deficit is due in large part to the past profligacy of the Republican Bush Administration and its Congressional phalanx in undertaking a costly war of choice. Let us not forget, either, their glee in adopting pork-barrel programs after years of conceding that pleasure to Democratic rivals.

Nevertheless, as Speaker Boehner has admitted, McConnell and/or someone with a good head on his shoulders, seems to have come up with a plan that he believes sets a trap for President Obama that will make it easy to defeat him in the 2012 elections. The President could do worse than accept that bargain. Moreover, there really is no good reason to think that the voting public cannot be convinced that the penalties that failure to would make the nation pay in international creditworthiness tip the scale in favor of softening Republicans’ terms. That statesmanship could actually turn out to be a more effective GOP election strategy for next year. Wouldn’t that be a refreshing change—replacing angry Tea-Partiers at the head of its campaign tickets with smart legislators?

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