
30 January 2017

Trump’s Best Deal Yet

I must confess that I haven’t read ‘The Art of the Deal.”  However, by observing Donald Trump these last few months, I suspect that the secret to a good deal is to convince the other party to it that he can live with it.  It doesn’t make any difference what principles have to be espoused in order to win the consent or allegiance of the other deal maker, because the only important consideration is getting what you want. 

It is important to avoid breaking the law so that enjoying the fruits of your deal is not at risk.  Therefore, lying is ok, as long as it is not under oath.  And a slew of other undesirable acts are also allowable, as long as they are not illegal, including abortion, welching on verbal agreements (like refusing to pay contractors whose work is not protected in writing), etc.  The key is to hire good lawyers.

President Trump surely won the support of an electoral majority with a campaign that made them believe that they would get a good deal from his being in the White House.  It still doesn’t matter whether his justifications of the election victory or his claims of enthusiasm for the coming Trump Presidency are based on objective truth.  Not to him.  He has gotten what he wants—he has shown everyone that he is better than they.


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