
16 April 2020

Donald Trump’s Impetuosity

The total disregard that Donald Trump displays for civility and conformance with societal rules of behavior in politics, finance, or in personal life, must derive from the way he was raised.  I imagine that his parents, Fred and Mary Anne, did not discipline him as a child.  They must always have bailed him out of costly mistakes.  Aparently they thought that It was enough to enroll him in military high school and left it up to his instructors to rein him in.  Unfortunately, that didn’t work, to the regret of several contractors, banks, students and investors.   His election as President of the U.S. was the result of a lucky combination of America’s peculiar electoral system and the public’s weariness with “political correctness.”

Of course, impetuosity is not grounds for removal from office, either by impeachment and conviction or by electoral defeat.  However, if his sense of autonomy or self-sufficiency has led him to violate the Constitution, either the Congress or the electorate at large must rid our country of a scourge that could destroy confidence in the ultimate fairness of the American nation. 

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