
30 April 2020

Trump’s Sycophants 

One of the latest demonstrations of the obsequiousness surrounding President Trump was the appearance of Vice President Mike Pence at the Mayo Clinic without a face mask.  Like the respected medical science authorities on the White House pandemic task force and, just yesterday, with the congratulatory statement of Jared Kushner, it appears that those who may have some inkling that they might someday be in a position to rescue the country from complete disaster are afraid to set Trump off by  contradicting him publicly.  They are probably smart not to rely on the constitutional method for removing him from office, given the reluctance of the Republicans in control of the Senate to jeopardize their presumed reelection chances by convicting him in an impeachment trial. 

What a fix our founding fathers put us in!  It is as important, therefore, that the election campaign this Fall devote itself as much to aligning both Houses of Congress in opposition to a Trump White House as to simply replacing the President.

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