
27 June 2020

Pandemic Shows Importance of Voting 

The national election of 2016 was won by an unqualified presidential candidate because of voter ambivalence. The emergency created by the coronavirus pandemic has driven home the message that government fills an urgent need in modern society.

The apathy of Americans towards federal elections has grown over the last few decades as private actions have seemed to subsume public policies when it comes to wealth creation. Moreover, wealth has surpassed welfare and equity on their scale of human values.

The cataclysm caused by the global spread of the novel coronavirus should awaken everyone to the need for world-wide cooperation and national direction to resolve unusual but inevitable problems like a pandemic. Personal survival can be threatened by anomalous events that can’t be handled by legacy institutions. Society cannot ignore those events.

That means that a country as important as the U.S. cannot indulge in periods of trying out something different and irresponsible. Bankruptcy is not an option.

The nation ought to have learned that 2020 will have a crucial election. It may be able to rescue itself from disaster if the public takes its democratic responsibilities seriously. Leave the reality showman to TV.

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