22 August 2020
Defeating Trump’s Coalition
The current president of the U.S. hopes to remain in office
following the outcome of the 2020 general election because a coalition of
single-issue voting blocks will vote for him in sufficient numbers to win a
victory in the Electoral College. Pursuers of those issues include the
Right-to-lifers (But can you
imagine Trump allowing a wife to escape through abortion her admission of being
weak-willed in the face of his predation?)
deniers (Why would he care
if anyone or their progeny would have to live with the consequences of global
Environment exploiters
(It’s not important to him
what might result from the uncaring degradation of the planet.)
Christians (How manipulative was
his photo-op holding a bible in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church on
Lafayette Square?)
Resentful white
working class (Some of us willingly
rely on the help of those more intelligent or successful than us; some of us
think that smarter and wealthier people unfairly enjoy more privileges than the
rest of us.)
supremacists (He
believes that good people can also discriminate against other humans merely
because of the color of their skin or their country of origin.)
Nativists (Those
of us who are already in America and violate the principles of our Constitution
by denying entry into the country to anyone who accepts those principles.)
Misogynists (Anyone who
has had three wives, five children and countless adulterous lovers doesn’t
respect women very much.)
Know-nothings (Some egotists are
disdainful of the expertise of others, to the extent that they refuse to
sacrifice their precious time and attention even to reading or listening to
what others have to say.)
flouters (A
corollary of that arrogance Is his fixed idea that no one‘s alarm about the
unusual nature of the COVID-19 pandemic is more reasonable than his own expectation,
because he has not personally been affected, that it will just go away.)
Democracy Disregarders
(For him, democracy is
nothing more than the name we have given (forget the Greeks) to the order of
things in which an undeserving rich person is free to do as he pleases.)
Each of these voting blocks may not share allegiance to all
or any of the other issues; but they all share strong enough conviction in
their own issue to constitute a reliable voting and financial resource for the
Trump campaign. Therefore, the only way for the Democrats to defeat Trump in
2020 will be to convince those not in those blocks that it is important to vote
in order just to preserve the future of an America that makes it possible for us
to coexist.
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