
15 August 2020

Trump, the Insulter 

I once selected “insulting” as my one-word characterization of Donald Trump.  It has become evident that he treats everyone, including his 35% base, the same way.  I resent his treatment of me, and they must, too.

His recent references to Senator Kamala Harris as a questionably native-born American are only the latest of his outrageous statements that convince me of his lack of respect for the intelligence of anyone who hears what he has to say.  More importantly, those claims of his show  total disregard for any sensibility among even the people on whom he relies for electoral strength.  That doesn’t even take into account his obliviousness to the tragedy that millions of us have felt because of the raging corona virus pandemic.

It is up to the Biden/Harris Campaign urgently to do two things in order to win in November:

1)      Convince the fifty percent of American citizens who usually do not vote in General Elections that this time participation in this key exercise of democracy is as important as ever.  We must put in place a federal administration that is capable and willing to respond to the public health and social challenges that have simultaneously reached a crisis point in our country.
2)      Awaken Trump’s supporters to the fact that they have been taken advantage of by a self-promoter whose objective has always been to glorify his own ego.  Even the twisted mind of Jeffrey Epstein was bowled over by one outrageous statement that Mr. Trump evidently said (as captured on a widely viewed video).  Because of his wealth and independence,Mr. Epstein could laugh off Trump’s astounding distance from reality.  Unfortunately for Trump’s supporters they, like the rest of us, cannot escape the consequences of Trump’s incompetence.  Trump is not a trivial peg in the federal government—he has actively engaged in the methodical destruction of the government’s reason for being: protecting and improving the peoples’ welfare.

Of course, the Biden/Harris team must also devise and advertise its plans for “building back better” the country, and begin to select the people who will carry out those plans—no one ever thought this would be easy.  But the U.S. will surely be a better place with Donald Trump removed from the White House.

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