
31 January 2021

Those Left Behind  

The people of the world have recognized the success of the democratic society in America by immigrating over its borders whenever they have needed a last resort.  The reasons have varied from economic opportunity, political and ethnic oppression, insufferable climate, cultural penury, to others.  The incumbent population of the United States of course, has descended in most cases from ancestors who also originally came to the country for similar reasons.  The longer they have stayed and grown roots in America they more they have developed a sense of ownership of the nation’s physical bounty as well as its behavioral and aspirational standards.  Somehow, this sense of ownership creates a natural jealousy that prevents willingness to share the country’s advantages with newcomers.  


Education, pleasant community adjustment, and material wealth help most residents of the U.S to overcome their natural jealousy and allow them to welcome new immigrants, and to make it possible for disadvantaged groups, including those who came here under force or before European colonization, fully to integrate into the most privileged ranks of society.  Unfortunately, one consequence of immigration Is also the abridgement of the exclusivity that some members of American society believe is a justified birthright of descendants of earlier immigrants.  This is particularly true of those citizens who are insecure in their status in the economy or community, or who are envious of the higher status gained by other residents.    

This envy can turn into a violent form of resentment that may fuel civil unrest and threaten good societal order.  Any democratic civilization is vulnerable to the danger that resentment among certain of its elements can disrupt civil order and lead to insurrection   Such sources of unrest are different from movements that seek equity for elements of the population whom artificial (i.e. racial, gender, lifestyle, ethnic, religious, etc.) discrimination deprives of full access to all of society’s benefits.  Even when the same resentment is exploited non-violently for political purposes, it can be hard to control and may result in outbreaks of disorder like the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021. 

A democratic society like the U.S. must always be vigilant and dampen the explosion of violence that will inevitably tempt those who feel left behind by its standards of equitable opportunity.   

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