
13 January 2021

Trump Is Just A Tool 

Trump has welcomed being adopted as the symbol of disaffected white people who are resentful of the divergent wealth in the country and uncomfortable with the growing equality in the country. The people who voted for him feel left out and taken advantage of by the the larger number of citizens who have thrived in the knowledge-based society made possible by technological advancement, sophisticated management and complex finance.

That segment of society legitimately resents being taken for granted—the nation wouldn’t function without them. However, their concerns are given short shift in the news media and are treated as secondary by the more heavily reported actions of the wealthier class. At the same time, their ill feelings make them easily corrupted by spewers of racial, cultural, and sexual prejudice.

Donald Trump intelligently recognized the political power of this group of voters—his “base.” He didn’t create it; it will always be there. He has merely offered himself as their symbol.

When egged on, they constitute a threat to equitable order in our democracy. Therefore, holding
Trump to account for the insurrection at the Capitol is needed in order to protect that vision of the “American Experiment.”

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