
09 September 2021

Tools of Discontent 

Trump, like Hitler, may only have been a useful tool of right-wing conspirators.

As discussed in an interview on Deadline.com 2021/08, Hitler benefited from the newly developed condenser microphone, allowing his speeches to be broadcast to millions at a time, instead of only to those listening to speakers on location. Trump was masterful at using social media like Twitter to spread his message of victimhood.  Perhaps no less than der Fuhrer, it wasn’t the content of his spiel that created a movement; but the access that technology enabled for listeners with similar feelings of self-importance and made them recognize that they were not alone.

The next communications technology advance will surely induce exploitation by some other demagogue.  Imagine how quickly an ambitious politician would use a means for sending his messages wirelessly directly into the brains of involuntary targets.

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