06 October 2021
Socialism Vs Humanism
Bidenism really means that government-guaranteed minimum living standards of American society should always be accessed by all--not just by the destitute as a social safety net. Is this socialism as the Trumpist Republicans charge?
Those Republicans aren’t facing the fact that they represent a diminishing number of the public. The purpose of government is changing in response to immigrants’ flight from failed societies and the spread of information technology. Those who want to preserve democratic values embrace it.
In order to win the next election, Biden Democrats also have to create another philosophy that is sufficiently generous to the economically disadvantaged. They also must motivate them to exercise their electoral power. The two major bills that the moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party are sponsoring in Congress right now are intended to achieve that goal—widening access to the privileges of American life that are currently so much more affordable and enjoyed by comfortable legacy citizens.
A wealthy country like the U.S. ahould preserve human rights and simultaneously provide benefits to its residents through its government--an instrument of the people The demographic minority represented by today’s Republican Party still conceives of the government as nothing more than a regrettable but necessary imposition on their individual freedom. The numerically growing majority of liberals, progressives and aspirants to the American Dream will use the tools of government equitably to distribute access to the country’s bounty to all its residents, in return for their ingenuity, determination and and hard work. In the words of one Vietnamese immigrant, this isn’t socialist policy; it is the humanistic way to govern our diverse and constantly transforming society.