
04 December 2021

Crumbley and Rittenhouse  

Parents who abdicate their responsibility to limit the dangerous urges of their children are guilty of grossly neglecting the consequences of their mutual sexual gratification. Parenting means much more than bringing infants into existence. It requires preparing them for proper membership in society. That cannot be left solely to society’s institutions. 

Ultimately, failure to educate and groom children for collective life resides with their creators. In that context, theocratic religions have allowed their “faithful” to shrink from responsibility for the antisocial acts of their progeny. “Children of God” is a convenient excuse for negligent parenting. 

Fathers and mothers who provide arms to minors like Rittenhouse and Crumbley and leave them to use their own immature judgment to control the use of those weopons violate a basic principle of collective life. “No man is an island.” 

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