21 May 2022
Education vs Indoctrination
In one perspective, there are two kinds of people: critical thinkers and self-aggrandizers. The former believe in abstract values by which they live their lives; the latter determine their actions solely on the basis of what they believe is in their personal best interest, regardless of the ultimate impact on others.
This contrast also divides humanity between conservatives and liberal democrats (or progressives). The liberals welcome change, in the conviction that things can always get better; and that they are part of a community from whose general welfare they benefit. They try to analyze their situation objectively, in part because by doing so they may benefit the entire community. The conservatives are risk-averse; they try to protect their current situation and prevent it from getting less advantageous. This explains their resistance to immigration, their limited creativity, their racism, gender narrowmindedness, their isolationism, etc.
Liberals are convinced that the difference between them and the conservatives can be reduced by education; the conservatives believe that people who don’t agree with them have been indoctrinated by “elites” who, like them, are trying to promote their own personal interests.