
05 July 2022

Restricting Sexual Liberty Means Sexual Subjugation 

The number of women in the Right to Life movement is a puzzling phenomenon   Those women must revel in their subordination to men. In fact, nothing in laws that permit abortion or contraception compels women to compete with the opposite sex. Both choices are strictly voluntary. It is, therefore, less a belief in moral order than an unwillingness to accept responsibility for the consequences of engaging in sexual intercourse.

Conversely, the men who advocate restricting sexual freedom show their unwillingness to abdicate their historical upper hand on the opposite sex. Sure, there are religious compunctions against both forms of family planning; but these were instituted before men's unquestioned control of sexual behavior was challenged by medical science and practice.  One can continue to live by those ancient rules, if faith demands it.  However, even the Pope has accepted divergence by political leaders from allegiance to those rules when it comes to constituents with other beliefs. Personal adherence to Catholic dogma, apparently, does not require universal enforcement of its rules.


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