04 August 2022
The Fringe Mobilized Trump. Not Vice-Versa
It isn’t Trump who mobilized his supporters. An upset minority of voters, frustrated by their inability to do as they please without regard for the common good, has recognized its own brotherhood, with the encouragement of rabble rousers. They latched onto Donald Trump as a convenient flag carrier for their newly self-identified resentful faction,
Trump had made a career of hoodwinking financial backers who
were enticed by the prospect of profiting from investments in unlikely wildcat
schemes. Many of those schemes went
bankrupt; but their failures have imposed little deterrence on Trump’s
continued conning. He believes, as someone once said, “There’s a sucker born
every minute.”
Finally, the Donald may have bit off more than he can chew.
Instead of financial swindling, he has tried to hoodwink the defenders of the Constitution.
Ironically, it is those rules of government that make it possible for some
swindlers to operate because of the naivety of many people who believe in their
automatic protection as a result of “the rule of law.” Unfortunately, “There
ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” Perhaps four years of the Trump
presidency has retaught us that lesson.
Moreover, those years have awakened us to our vulnerability
to a major menace that has been created by the unedited, instantaneous,
personal, and yet widespread nature of internet communications. There will
always be another destructive avatar of disruptive impulses in the national
psyche. It is the vigilance displayed by Kansan voters towards their
constitution’s protection of a woman’s right to choose that will be our only
guardian against authoritarianism.