22 October 2022
People Must Be Led From Tyranny
The 10/16/2022 NYT article describing the New Generation of Combat Vets sees their rightward drift as a lesson learned from their service experience. They mistake Trumpist distaste for international engagement, including defending liberal democracy abroad as well as recognizing our dependence on the benefits of immigration, as principled and patriotic policies. In fact, Trump champions those views only as a way to divert attention from any other cause than his own publicity. In his mind, there is no such thing as bad policy; he only desires any way to keep attention on himself, regardless of its effect on the national interest.
The new veterans' groups promoting these ideas are unwitting dupes of a solipsistic exploiter of middle-class revenge politics. Trump supporters in the current disemboweled Republican Party have also fallen prey to the ambitions of a would-be authoritarian ruler.Donald Trump thankfully doesn’t have the attention span to drive complete destruction of American democracy. Nevertheless, the vulnerability of veterans and those in the disaffected middle class to being led by the nose by a serious tyrant is real. They must be inspired to take responsibility for preserving and fulfilling the promise of our democracy.
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