20 November 2022
Lone Wolves and the Internet
Wide use of the internet, especially through social media, has seduced disaffected individuals into constructing their own imaginary terrorist organizations.
Indeed, there are large numbers of such hateful and reactionary minds worldwide, and the wonders of modern communication technology have enabled them to learn of each other’s existence. The delusion of a mass movement is created by nothing more than a large number of “likes” in response to any angry sociopath’s electronic screed. The absence of any formal organization releases that digital busker to violently avenge their perceived victimization by the “elite” members of society,
An effective demagogue might be able to harness the disorderly combined energy of these right-wing extremists. Even a would-be dictator, like Donald Trump, could inspire them to act disorderly and to create the kind of chaos that characterized his presidency. More scarily, he would help them devolve into an unlawful reign of terror. I fear the increased frequency of “lone-wolf” shootings might signal the beginning of one. Hopefully America will learn from Brazil’s electoral dispatch of Bolsonaro, as applauded by the 11/20/2022 NYT, and turn away from extremist politics.
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