
09 February 2023

Police Brutality or Class Revenge? 

The seemingly unprovoked beating to death of Tyre Nichols by a renegade team of officially unleashed terrorists was the result of a misconceived strategy to suppress Memphis Street crime. It certainly was not racially motivated. Instead, it illustrated that social class resentment dominates human relations even within single races.

There is a true element of racial discrimination in the tragic Tyre Nichols murder. Could the use of authorized thuggery, like The Scorpions, be imagined as the answer to street crime in a white neighborhood of Memphis or any other town?

In any case, the intra-racial instance and brutality of Mr. Nichols’ death was decidedly a reflection of the racially neutral nature of social class resentment in modern life. It will be a dangerous feature of social relations in a future where access to information outstrips humanity’s common ability to deal with it.

Mollifying this danger will require raising awareness in the general conscience of the of the benefits of encouraging intellectual, cultural, as well as racial diversity in a liberal democratic society. Imposition of controls on social behavior will inevitably challenge men’s desire for freedom. A long road must be travelled to generate universal understanding that the more we know, through communications technology, the more we must collaborate, not compete, with each other really to enjoy the common fruits of that knowledge.

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