
05 March 2023

Murdaugh, cf. Trump 

The double murder conviction of Alex Murdaugh illustrates the ultimate weakness of the unequally wealthy society in which Americans live. It is possible to ignore personal responsibility to contribute to our common welfare in proportion to one’s financial capability or other advantage. However. Murdaugh finally has been brought to account. The former President still awaits his desserts.

Followers of the Donald admire his ability to disregard the established order—they resent the establishment's members apparent ability to set rules of behavior for the common members of society and seemingly not to pay their fair share. Indeed, in the view of the Trumpists, some in the establishment take advantage of our liberal democratic system to reduce or eliminate their burden of taxation and enjoy many other advantages while they keep up the appearance of an equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of liberal democracy.

Trumpists admire his model of sticking it to the elite sectors of the economy without acknowledging that if everyone acted like that, the liberal democracy would fall apart. It is the duty of provident members of our society to act as wisely as the Murdaugh trial jurors and expose the false illusion that narcissism is the path to fair and equal treatment in a liberal democratic society.

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