25 June 2023
Why Evangelicals Like Trump
Many people who maintain irrational beliefs on faith think they are dismissed by the members of society who control its method of awarding material success. They have troubling doubts of their own scale of values because society seems more richly to reward people whose actions are not encumbered by ephemeral values. These groups include evangelicals, libertarians, and physicalists (e.g., body-builders, health advocates, athletes, etc.). They are difficult subjects for would-be creators of smooth-functioning communities because of their adamant individuality.
Trump’s appeal to evangelicals, consequently, is not based on his acceptance of their morality, but on his reputed ability to gain rewards despite his disdain for conventional qualification rules set by bankers, lawyers, and cultural influencers (including dietitians). The puzzling willingness of these opinion leaders to compromise their values by grasping the handholds on Trump’s train bespeaks their doubts that professing their beliefs is worth a sacrifice of material wealth.
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