
16 June 2023

Why People Support Trump 

The psychologist’s explanation of Donald Trump’s protection of his classified “transitional objects” in the 6/16/2023 NYT reminded me of my childhood little sister’s loss of her favorite blanket out the window of my father’s station wagon when a gust of wind grabbed it away from the place she constantly held it on her cheek and onto the road during a family trip across the Great Plains states.  However, that transition was trauma-less.  She was ready for the change.  The Donald seems not to want to let go.

And why should he?  The real question is why so many voters stubbornly support him.  They recognize in Trump the same frustration they too feel towards the country’s establishment leaders who appear to succeed even though they play by the rules.  Seldom does an iconoclast lead us into a political halcyon; but reaching that goal will require a leader who has a vision beyond self-aggrandizement.

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