
21 February 2024

Alabama Supreme Court IVF Decision 

The 2/20/2024 decision of the Alabama Supreme Court, LePage et al. v. Center for Reproductive Medicine et al., ruled 7-1 that an amendment to the Alabama Constitution installed by popular vote in 2018 made it illegal in that state to destroy human IVF embryos because they have the civil rights of born human children.  By extension this ruling would mean that only the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution prevent Alabama voters from stripping non-white persons of their civil rights, not to mention women.  The amended Alabama constitution is patently misogynistic and must be rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Whatever one thinks of the Dobbs decision of the Supreme Court, it does not authorize a state to violate the civil rights of any U.S. resident by a simple statement in or amendment to its constitution. 

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