
31 March 2024

Women’s Rights Are Original 


The abortion of a non-viable fetus is not different than removal of a skin tag. Or is it?

In the analysis of Roe v. Wade, this is true until a human fetus reaches viability-- the possibility of survival outside its mother’s womb, i.e., when the medical criteria for being a living human creature are fulfilled. However, in its Dobbs decision, SCOTUS decreed that in our federal constitutional system such a determination is alternatively a political decision to be made by representatives of the people in each state of the union.

This misrepresents the federal nature of our system of government.   The Dobbs ruling is not consistent with the logic of the Court’s judgment in Brown v. Board of Education, which mandated civil rights equal to every citizen of the country for formerly enslaved and other persons of color.  In Brown, the Court prevented the states from independently setting racial qualifications for a human being’s constitutional rights.   Yet it permits the states to distinguish between potential human beings in Dobbs, depending on the ability of those organisms to live on their own outside their mothers’ wombs.  In other words, the Court allows state governments arbitrarily to award constitutional rights to potential human beings in Dobbs, although it had earlier denied the states the ability to discriminate between different living human beings by skin-color when depriving conscious humans of their civil rights.

The Constitution stipulates that the federation is based on certain common beliefs (truths) held by the people.  Implicated in that stipulation is the common acceptance by the people of the definition of individual personhood when it comes to the civil rights the Constitution guarantees to citizens.  The right to life of those individuals is their most fundamental one, and certainly cannot be subject to currents of political thought that may vary by section of the federation.  Moreover, so basic a right should not be subject to changing codes of morality over time.  Ironically, this is an instance in which the concept of originalism does indeed defeat the concept of a living constitution.  No matter how much the latest medical technology allows us to stretch backwards an organism’s civic existence, there is only the threshold of viability for it to cross before it merits being treated as an independent subject of the rules of our society.  (Even though that threshold is commonly widened by several years after birth when it comes to criminal liability.)

A mother is graced with a biological power that not only allows her to give birth, but also to nurture or interrupt, for any reason, the growth of an organism in her pregnant body at least until its rights are reasonably guaranteed by society’s rules, i.e., the Constitution.  No provision or amendment of the Constitution deprives mothers of that power.


23 March 2024

Hitler’s Enablers 

It’s uncanny the parallels in Adam Gopnik’s review of Tomas W. Ryback’s book, “Takeover,” in the March  25, 2023, New Yorker, between the threat of autocracy in the U.S. if Donald Trump is elected as President again and the rise to power of Hitler.  From the media mogul, Hugenberg, and Rupert Murdoch, to the close confidantes wishing to take advantage of his appeal to disaffected petite bourgeoisie, shopkeepers, rural residents and domestic workers, like Hindenburg, von Papen, and General von Schleicher, and Hitler’s transparent solipsism when it came to his vaunted policies, Hitler never disguised his motivations, and they were ignored by both an overwhelmingly segment of the voting public as well as by a nonplussed liberal and educated sector of society.

20 March 2024

Trump Won’t Be Categorized 

He’s not anti-Semitic—Kushner us his son-in-law!

He’s not racist—he has also suffered discrimination!

He doesn’t have money to burn—his wealth is tied up in real estate!

He’s not xenophobic—he only wants to keep undesirable foreigners out of the country!

Those who want to call Trump names are just trying to control him.  That’s why the MAGA Crowd identifies with him—they’re just as fed-up with taking orders from anyone.

Biden's Policies Are Better for the MAGA Crowd 

Biden’s liberal-democratic policies lower the cost of living, increase national security, and improve our general well-being not just theoretically, but also in at least eight practical ways:

  1.      Well-funded and controlled open borders bring in laborers with needed skills allowing businesses to expand.
  2.          NATO and other honored alliances maintain world order and promote the exchanges of ideas and people that improve living conditions.
  3.       International peace enables leisure, ancestral-heritage, and business travel.
  4.       Free trade and capital transfers facilitate inexpensive imported manufactures.
  5.       Unobstructed trading routes reduce transportation costs and inflation.
  6.       Reciprocal world environmental accords ultimately benefit all global inhabitants.
  7.       Similarly, making domestic technologies available worldwide ultimately benefits   us, too, by increasing IT sales income and reducing the price of imports.
  8.       Fulfilling treaty commitments is a two-way street, e.g., we owe support of Ukraine's resistance to Russian aggression as fair compensation to Europe for their support when the U.S. suppressed the Taliban's sheltering of terrorists in Afghanistan.

Campaign slogans should also include concrete examples of the harm that MAGA policies and blunders caused during Trump’s prior administration, including:

  1.      Withdrawal from Paris climate accord—global warming gets worse when any country, even alone and particularly when exceedingly more intensively, refuses to collaborate.
  2.       Admiration of foreign authoritarian leaders only encouraged their aggressive behavior, viz. the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Chinese obstruction of sea lanes.
  3.      Appointment of conservative Supreme Court Justices led to the robbing of a woman’s right to choose.
  4.       It also led to further loosening of gun ownership control at the increased risk that deadly weapons will be handled threateningly and recklessly.
  5.        Trump’s legal debts are making him vulnerable to influence by deep-pocket special interests (cfAll-In with Chris Hayes on X: ".@chrislhayes: Part of Trump's appeal in 2016 was the lie that his personal wealth would allow him to self-fund his campaign and make him immune to outside influence. That's even less true today. Trump is strapped for cash, and his political positions are up for sale. https://t.co/N9ZXnvgNoD" / X (twitter.com)).
  6.        According to David French in the NYT, “The murder rate skyrocketed on [Trump’s] watch. Between 2019 and 2020, America experienced the largest single year increase in the murder rate in more than a century, and that was under Donald Trump.”  The rate dropped to its lowest level in fifty years under Biden.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

05 March 2024

What Makes a Likely Voter? 

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