
26 May 2024

Climate Change Doesn't Worry Narcissists 

The black community is equally worried about the planet’s survivability in a warmer climate as are all the country’s youth and adults with young families, in particular because they have waited so long for retribution for the discriminatory circumstances under which they and their ancestors were forced to live.

The threatened destruction of a livable Earth is naturally more compelling for those of us who must rely on the future for all hope of fulfilling our dreams. Moreover, achieving one of them can be overwhelming, viz. Jesse Jackson's tears when celebrating Obama’s presidential election victory in Chicago.

Every step towards ensuring a sustainable world climate, like defeating narcissistic and solipsistic pretenders to the nation’s leadership, merits the support of any citizen who has the capacity to value long-term repercussions.  That shouldn't be ignored by Biden's 2024 election campaign.

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