
26 February 2016

Three Reasons We Appear to Be Sicker Now Than Before

People my age seem to have more afflictions than I remember my parents’ generation suffered from.  There are at least three reasons I have this impression:

1)      Medical diagnosis methods and technology are vastly improved.  There are many more illness conditions nowadays, although it may be that we have just identified more of them.

2)      Communications have much expanded our personal awareness of the afflictions of our fellow human beings; in days past we were just not cognizant of how badly off the rest of humanity was.

3)      All of us are living much longer than our predecessors.  Because we are older, we experience many illnesses that our predecessors never lived long enough to encounter.

Would we trade longer lifetimes for fewer illnesses?  As long as our faith in the advances of science lasts, I guess not.

18 February 2016

2016 Campaign Philosophy

The 2016 Campaign for the U.S. Presidency is a struggle of three philosophies of government.  Bernie Sanders’ pursuit of the Democratic nomination is based on an ideological commitment to socialist themes that include income equalization and expansion of government as the tool of popular will.  The Republican contest among  Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump is being fought to prove the most likely candidate to shrink the government’s capacity to interfere with unfettered free enterprise.  Its ideology is the virtue of a competitive marketplace. 

The middle ground is sought on the Democratic side by Hillary Clinton and on the Republican side by John Kasich.  Clinton and Kasich both see government as a useful tool for carrying out the will of the people, but only in its place.  They share popular goals but vary in their confidence in government to serve those goals.  Hillary’s strength is in her femininity, strong personality and experience, and in her association with a previous successful President.  Kasich is a highly qualified but weak contender. 

Americans may be seduced by ideologues in Primary elections because the range of Party faithful and Primary enthusiasts is much narrower than the full electorate.  The Republican Party Convention may select a right-wing ideologue, as it has in the past.  But it is hard to believe that the Democrats will risk an election on Bernie Sanders for purely ideological reasons.

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